
$1 per pixel

A british kid sells ad space in his home page to raise money for his college and how much does he make !! A million bucks… at a $ a pixel..
If you have an envious streak, you probably shouldn't read this.


Silly pranks

Thatz lotz of silly putty for the Googlers to deal with.
This led me dig real silly tin foil pranks in some guy's office and some other guy's apartment. Those Dell monitors really look cool with the foil wraps.


fiGht clUb - I'm in

The only self-driven moment in life, when I thought I must be there in US was when I was watching a documentry on Six Flags. And I had my 6F moment.

But my gifted moments were when I watched Fight Club, a racy enlightener.

My thoughts fit in someone else words - "FC assembles right up to the last, sneaky subliminal frame, the vast emptiness of modern existence- ridden as it is with shallow values, rampant consumerism, empty of meaning, feeling and life itself- in a slick and ironically consumer oriented fashion."

Meet Tyler Durden (stylish, sophisticated, racy Osho), the charismatic alter ego with sleazy outfits. There is something (maybe straightforward honesty) in his words that speak to anyone who is fed up to some degree with the way our society is. And Ed Norton, in a performance full of so much sarcasm. It doesn't get much better than this.

Watch this movie and watch it again with some of your more intelligent friends.


thalaiVar - the boss

Thanga Thalaiva....

Asathuteenga, Kalakiteenga, Kolreenga, Pullarika vechiteenga, Yennamo ponga.


billG on MS Indians

I have known about Bill Gates quotes on contribution by Indians in Microsoft. Here is a direct quote from his chat with PC on this and about 8 of 14 prefect scorers in their annual review in Microsoft being Indians. I feel proud.
"Quality of people here [in India] and entrepreneurial abilities are world class. It's not just the people working here in India, but also those working at the Microsoft headquarters in Redmond, part of the development group. Over a quarter of the people are Indians. I remember... we give a tiny number of people a perfect score[5/5]. There were 14 people, and I can pronounce the name of only one of them, an American name. Five others were people with foreign names, and the rest eight were all Indians. That really does reflect the trend in terms of capabilities."